Aug 24, 2007

to solve the world's problems

Some people feel that the world's problems are so pressing that social and political action should take precedence over individual development. They may feel that they should sacrifice their own needs completely in order to work for a larger cause. In its extreme form, this kind of thinking justifies individual neurosis and aggression as purely a product of a troubled society [...]. If we try to solve society's problems without overcoming the confusion and aggression in our own state of mind, then our efforts will only contribute to the basic problems, instead of solving them.


If you want to solve the world's problems, you have to put your own household, your own individual life, in order first.


Slowing down any impulse is said to be the best way to begin [the warrior's path].

Chögyam Trungpa, Shambhala, the Sacred Path of the Warrior

to learn more about this book, please refer to:

photo: homeless, São Paulo, Brazil © Ennio Brauns

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